February 18, 2012

Oxford Obsession

Hello, hello!

   Recently, while doing some spring cleaning, I found a pair of shoes that I wore nonstop through last year's spring and summer-- my black Keds. I know, not a very summery shoe, but it was light, dainty, and didn't show my toes (I'm not a fan of flip-flops). Finding them made me realize I need a new go-to shoe for the warmer weather! But what? Sperry's or TOMS seem perfect, but both have become far too "mainstream". I couldn't do Keds again, because I want to wear lots of dresses this summer, and while Keds work, they don't quite fit the breeze-y feel I want. So what did I decide? Oxfords, of course!

   I've been on the hunt for a great pair of oxfords for a solid year. I want comfy and cute, without being bulky. My searches prior to recently had been fruitless, but I've finally found several good choices. Good choices, that is, until I noticed some problems (like I always do, unfortunately).

Oh, how cute are these?! Everything about them is ideal, right down to the laces.
The Problem: Price! These bad boys would set me back $60, and they look pretty flimsy. Nordstrom sure is notorious for high-priced goods, aren't they? I've got the same problem with these oxfords.

Admit it, you adore these. How can you not?
The Problem: NOT MY SIZE! Ugh! Not even close! They'd be so freaking perfect, I can't even stand it.

Rave reviews! So dainty and light.
The Problem: $40 for a super plain shoe? No, thank you.

More pictures here. These are awfully cute.
The Problem: A bit plain, but what else don't I like about these...?

Oh my god, that pink!
The Problem: They don't look very comfortable, nor do they look worth every penny. Man, I'm cheap.

   Alright, it looks like we have a winner. What do you think of number four? I think they're horribly cute, and the price is totally ideal. Now, what color?!

What are your thoughts on oxfords? Do you have a good pair?


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